Thursday 19 February 2015

Review: Nuxe Reve de Miel Lip Balm

Due to a combination of far too many drying lipsticks and bad weather my lips have been in desperate condition lately. Even the lip balms that usually rescue my lips weren't doing the job so something had to be done. I then saw Nuxe Reve de Miel on I'd read many good things about it on various blogs so I decided to give it a go. Also, it's French, and the French do really good skincare. I'd heard it was expensive and was prepared to shell out up to €20, so I was pleasantly surprised when I saw it was only €11.50. 

It says on the packaging that the scent is grapefruit, but it reminds me exactly of the smell of orange essence. Not a real orange, but definitely citrusy. 

The consistency is the strangest I've ever come across. It calls itself a lip balm but I think to describe it as a paste would be more accurate. It's a muted, dull yellow colour, and it's thick and opaque. Sometimes when you put a lot on you feel tiny lumps in it. It's not shiny at all like most lip balms, and it leaves a matte finish rather than glossy. When I first tried to swirl my finger on the top nothing happened and I thought it was going to be a dud product, but once you get through the initial layer it's much easier to apply. And it's even easier when it's slightly warm, as it usually is in my handbag or pocket.

I haven't exfoliated my lips since I started using this because I haven't felt the need to. It's like it moisturises so deeply that the dead tissue just can't stick to the lips. I put some on before I go to bed, and when I wake up I wipe my lips with a tissue, put some more on before I start my makeup and my lips are ready to go when it gets to lipstick time. 

Sometimes I like to apply some lip balm over my lipstick during the day, especially if I'm wearing a matte lipstick. With shiny lip balms, I hate to reapply them over a lip colour because the shininess, or I would presume the oily ingredients that give them their shininess, tend to break down the lip colour. This doesn't break them down at all, and because it leaves a matte finish too it doesn't look like you've put anything on. 

The glass pot just makes it seem so luxurious. It's obviously only a minor thing in comparison to how it works, but it's definitely an added bonus. 

My lips are now in excellent condition. They don't crack or peel anymore, and I'm confident you could wear a matte lip colour everyday and your lips wouldn't be any the worse for it. 

Bottom line: this works. My lips have never been better. I haven't read of anyone using this and not liking it or it not working for them. That's not to say it's 100% guaranteed to work for you, but I'd guess 99%. It is slightly pricier than the usual lip balm, but think about how many lip balms you've bought that didn't work. I'm sure it adds up to more than the cost of this. As well as that, it's in a heavy glass jar so I think the chances of losing it as you would a tin of Vaseline are greatly reduced. I will 100% repurchase this when I run out. In fact, I'll buy one before I run out, because I don't think I could be without it for a day!

The most readily available place I know to get it in Ireland is Orders can take maybe up to a week, but it's free shipping over €15 and it's ridiculously well packaged, so there's no fear of the glass jar breaking in transit. As well as that they often have deals for payday or holidays so keep an eye out and you could get it for less than a tenner!

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