Thursday 8 January 2015

A Little Intro

Hi, my name is Aisling. I’m 21, I live in Ireland and I work in I.T. I’ve been considering starting my own blog for a while now, probably two years. I’ve written numerous blog posts but never published them, or published and then removed them because I wasn’t entirely happy with the post, or the site, or something. Blogging is a very time consuming thing. You have to constantly be updating the site or people lose interest. It will be a big time investment, but I’ve decided it will be worth it, and I’m very excited to finally start this. It will be a work in progress for some time. The name will change, the format will change, the layout will change, but this will all be part of the fun. I know there are millions of beauty blogs out there, many of which are well established and have a huge following, but if even one person reads this I’ll be happy.

I love to read beauty blogs but I feel, for the most part, there isn’t enough information given. I love emilynoel83’s approach to the online beauty world. She doesn’t claim to be a makeup artist or to be an expert, she just gives honest and thorough reviews of beauty products. I don’t enjoy blogs which just consist of pictures of a person’s makeup, either boasting of how much they have or pictures of products with black and white packaging because it’s pleasing to the eye; there’s no substance. I think when it comes to makeup, people want information. They want to know if something is worth their hard earned cash. If we say a lipstick costs €10 that’s probably what most people earn in an hour. If you buy a lipstick you hate and never use then you’ve just thrown away an hour of your life. Makeup can be an enjoyable way to spend your money, but buying something that doesn’t work for you is heartbreaking. Like Emily, I don’t claim to know an awful lot, I’m just going to share my experience with certain products and hope that someone finds it useful. :)

As I said, there’ll probably be a lot of change for a while as I make mistakes and (hopefully) improve, but if I waited until I was happy with everything I’d never begin. Constructive criticism is always welcome, and I would appreciate suggestions on how to improve. Thanks for reading and if you like you could follow me on bloglovin, I'd really appreciate it.

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